Featured Blonde Roast

Featured Blonde Roast

$2.15 | 5 kcal

Starbucks Featured Blonde Roast
Price Calories

There are pouring moments in a cup where light coffee drinkers would wish not to be dark or intense but one that is packed with some taste. A strong and a bold coffee overpower those who want something more subtle and smoother on the tongue.

Our Featured Blonde Roast coffee is here to fill that gap. Coffee aficionados love this smooth roasting as it ensures the coffee is not bitter and always tastes refreshing which is the goal of coffee. Have a lovely cup of coffee that starts off the day juuust the way you wanted.

Starbucks Featured Blonde Roast Nutrition and Sizes

Nutritional InfoShort (8 fl oz)Tall (12 fl oz)Grande (16 fl oz)Venti (20 fl oz)
Price (USD)$2.15$2.25$2.65$2.95
Calories5 kcal5 kcal5 kcal5 kcal
Total Fat0g0g0g0g
Saturated Fat0g0g0g0g
Caffeine180 mg270 mg360 mg475 mg

Prices are approximate and may vary by location.

Starbucks Featured Blonde Roast Ingredients and Customisation Options


  • 100% Arabica Coffee Beans: Lightly roasted to highlight natural sweetness and subtle flavors.

Customisation Options

  • Milk & Dairy Alternatives: 2% Milk (default), Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Oat Milk, Nonfat Milk, Coconut Milk.
  • Flavor Additions: Vanilla, Caramel, Hazelnut, Mocha, Seasonal Flavors (optional, may add calories and sugar).
  • Sweeteners: Classic Syrup, Cane Sugar, Stevia, Honey, Raw Sugar, Brown Sugar.
  • Milk Froth Level: Extra Froth, Light Froth, No Froth (for a smoother texture).
  • Espresso Shot: Optional single or double shot for added coffee intensity.
  • Temperature Adjustments: Extra Hot, Kid’s Temperature (cooler option).


  • The Blonde Roast is free from common allergens.
  • Prepared in environments where cross-contamination with allergens may occur; individuals with severe allergies should exercise caution.

Pairing Suggestions

  • Butter Croissant: A buttery, flaky treat that pairs well with the smooth roast.
  • Classic Coffee Cake: Adds a sweet and crumbly complement to the mellow coffee.
  • Pumpkin & Pepita Loaf: Perfect for a seasonal pairing.

Nutritional Breakdown of Short Size (8 fl oz) Starbucks Featured Blonde Roast

Nutritional Breakdown of Short Size (8 fl oz) Starbucks Featured Blonde Roast
Robert S. MilnerRobert S. Milner

Robert S. Milner

Robert S. Milner is a writer with more than 10 years of experience. He has written about topics like food history, the hospitality industry, and drinks. Right now, he’s working on a book about the unique foods in Western Michigan, such as the Lake Perch and Cherry Pie. Robert also ran a webzine called ‘Writers Unleashed,’ where he wrote a series called ‘Meals’ about his daily meals in downtown Chicago. He also writes for starbuksmenu.us.